Sarah invited all of the 2nd yr dents to celebrate her birthday at the basement of the dental school. No idea why she wanted to have her birthday party at the basement but she did decorate it and make it looks like a real disco place with DJ, free flow of alcohol and foods!!
I arrived with marya, heshani and vivien siu pretty early so off we went to the bar for some free alcohol..hehe..the first one i got was a gree apple-flavoured vodka which tasted really nice and refreshing. And, with my naughty nature..i order one for heshani as well (she don't usually drink) haha..yes i know..i am evil but it's fun to have some alcohol sometimes. Photo shooting started soon after my first drink..u must be wondering how come there's only one pic in this blog. sigh..u will now pretty soon.
I quickly joined with the other vivian ..yes..i am pretty sure everyone know she is the woman for the night..the "drunkard"....back to the story. Viv was holding her so-called nice beer when i saw her..i still dun understand why she loves beer so much. haha. As viv(vivian) finished off her beer, we went to get some new alcohol.I had my second rasperry vodka which really taste like the cough syrup ..only manage to finish half bottle before viv siu (not vivan) toss it into the bin..haha..thanks for that if not i will have to finish that whole bottle of cough syrup.
I got my 3rd drink (apple one) while wondering where's ying ying, peng and sign of them at all even after 45 mintues of drinking...and finally i saw three blackies came in and yes ..they had arrived!! just realised we all wore back that nite..haha. ok..need to fast forward a bit..vivian started to ask ppl around to drink the whole bottle/can of alcohol at one short with her. I just came back after opening the locker for heshani as she is leaving earlier when i saw vivian trying to force peng to drink the ~cooper~yes..the 'cooper beer' that i had never tasted before..seeing the painfullness on peng's face while trying to drink the whole bottle of cooper by herself...i volunteered to drink for her..yes..i freaking volunteered myself..which myself end up having to swallow the whole bottle of "cooper"...the bitterness of it causes my first sign of dizzness...yes this is called " zi zuo zi shou"..oh well but i did finish the whole bottle for her
vivian, xin yee, me, peng and ying ying
By that time, i think vivian is sort of like going to a state of semi-conscious..which was the reason why she felt on the dancefloor =.= yes..she did..and everyone is like OMG..VIV is on the floor already!! so off we went try to drag/ pull her up..but quess what she said?? DON"T WORRY I AM NOT DRUNK , I CAN STAND UP BY MYSeLF!! . (this is the sentence that viv had repeated a billion times throughout the nite) ..We then starts dancing...and yes ..the first time in my life when i am actually on the dancefloor..weird right? haha..but it's really AWESOME!! ..basically dance with asma, dilla, xinyee, ying ying ..not much with peng though..haha...and the drankard vivian as well.
And something happened ~my dear viv pushes off my paper bag from the seat (which i put my camera and jacket in) while she's trying to rest herself camera dropped on the floor and ..the batery is detached..i rushed over to pick up the battery and try to put them back..and maybe due to the influence of alcohol...yes u will have no idea what alcohol can do for u...i couldn't even put the battery back in the correct orientation.(+ and -ve) so i thought my camera is gone...peng walked over and i told her what had just happened. and the stupiest thing was..the camera actually work after peng repositioned the battery..yes..i need to confess i am a bit dizzy at that time. ..then came the champagne and more alcohol and the cake as well =)
Viv was totally out of her own control when the party ends..and gosh..vivian do u know u actually sat on the side of the road and trying to run off the rail???? u really have to thank peng and ying ying and me to send u home safely. oh yea..and the "most disgusting part" of the day was in the security bus =.= vivian u "puke" on the security bus!!! yes..maybe we should blame the driver's driving skills but ..omg..and she kept on repeating the same questions for the next 1 hour ..just like a dementia patient..gosh..vivian u really should see urself in the videos that we recorded..haha..and poor peng( i salute u for what u had done =) ]...she got some of the vomitted stuff on her hand while trying to whole the plastic bag for u..and yea..u owe me 66 bucks ~vivian for the security bus cleaning fees. vivian..dun need to feel sorry for anything that happened yesterday =)but make sure u do have some self-controlled over ur alcohol consumption next time !

~~ me, ying ying and peng after the party + emn's hand~~

++ viv,xyn, me, peng, christine, ying, sara, jovina ++

== vivian, vivien, heshani, eu jia, me ==

++ peng, amsa, me and dila ++

THe pretty birthday Cake for the night!! yum
asma, sophia, han, yingying, marya and jovina
Vivian on the dancefloor ..=)

~~peng, ying, vivian and me~~
p/s the pic that i took before the camera dropped were all lost..there's around 60 pic in it !!= . =
pics above are taken from ying and asma's camera =) thanks