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 Thursday, 31 May 2007
 Joining the 2o th Group @ 6:00 pm
Sorry for the delay for my 20th birthday party~ was waiting for the pics but most of all the dhs test postponed it all. -.-' So what did i do for my birthday?? anything special?? frankly, if u are 20 yr old you should really be celebrating it. the rationale behind this will be the fact that i had been living on the earth for 20 yrs!!! hmmm...it did sound a bit scary right??haha.. All together they were 12 of us in the Hog's Breath Restaurant, marya, peng, viv X 2, xyn, yy, heshani, asma, dila, han, sophia and me..and it was sooo nice that the restaurant actually reserved a big session for us ~woohoo~ so we can chat, shout and laugh as LOUD as we want..haha...btw..ppl thanks for coming, the wonderful presents and the unexpected cake...haha. After the steak, salmon, mexico dishes, calamari and etc that everyone had ordered, Me:" hey everyone, do u guys want to order dessert now since eveyone has finished their main course?" Marya:" oo..i am soo full can we wait for another 5 minutes?" Me:" yep..def =)" soon after that conversation ..i was busy chatting with other friends and had lost sight of marya, heshani and viv for just a few sec before they reappeared with the waiters + my birthday cake..wow..it was a nice cake =) thank you ppl :) really appreciated it...despite the fact that they actually lie to me that viv had missed the bus so she will be late for the party but apparently she was already back in their apartment ages ago..just to avoid me seeing the big birthday cake and present=.="" am I that easy to be fooled?? haha..oh well...p/s how did they sneak such a big cake and the big box in without me seing it?? am i blind?? haha..god knows.. still remember me saying i had broke my camera in the previous post...so this was what happened that night..haha..i ask xyn to bring her camera the night before so we can shoot some pics for the night...but xyn didn't realise her camera was out of battery before she came..the same happened to yy as well..haha..so basically we don't have any camera for that night. So here's the fun part..everyone starts taking out their phones to see who's camera has the best resolution..and without doubt..dila won..with ther 3.2 mega pixel sony ericson phone..haha wasn't able to upload the pics despite trying for a billion times =.=" dun worry ..i will try it later..
©copyrighted 2008 punch-that-goblin.co.nr
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 Thursday, 31 May 2007
 Joining the 2o th Group @ 6:00 pm
Sorry for the delay for my 20th birthday party~ was waiting for the pics but most of all the dhs test postponed it all. -.-' So what did i do for my birthday?? anything special?? frankly, if u are 20 yr old you should really be celebrating it. the rationale behind this will be the fact that i had been living on the earth for 20 yrs!!! hmmm...it did sound a bit scary right??haha.. All together they were 12 of us in the Hog's Breath Restaurant, marya, peng, viv X 2, xyn, yy, heshani, asma, dila, han, sophia and me..and it was sooo nice that the restaurant actually reserved a big session for us ~woohoo~ so we can chat, shout and laugh as LOUD as we want..haha...btw..ppl thanks for coming, the wonderful presents and the unexpected cake...haha. After the steak, salmon, mexico dishes, calamari and etc that everyone had ordered, Me:" hey everyone, do u guys want to order dessert now since eveyone has finished their main course?" Marya:" oo..i am soo full can we wait for another 5 minutes?" Me:" yep..def =)" soon after that conversation ..i was busy chatting with other friends and had lost sight of marya, heshani and viv for just a few sec before they reappeared with the waiters + my birthday cake..wow..it was a nice cake =) thank you ppl :) really appreciated it...despite the fact that they actually lie to me that viv had missed the bus so she will be late for the party but apparently she was already back in their apartment ages ago..just to avoid me seeing the big birthday cake and present=.="" am I that easy to be fooled?? haha..oh well...p/s how did they sneak such a big cake and the big box in without me seing it?? am i blind?? haha..god knows.. still remember me saying i had broke my camera in the previous post...so this was what happened that night..haha..i ask xyn to bring her camera the night before so we can shoot some pics for the night...but xyn didn't realise her camera was out of battery before she came..the same happened to yy as well..haha..so basically we don't have any camera for that night. So here's the fun part..everyone starts taking out their phones to see who's camera has the best resolution..and without doubt..dila won..with ther 3.2 mega pixel sony ericson phone..haha wasn't able to upload the pics despite trying for a billion times =.=" dun worry ..i will try it later..
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