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Sunday, 8 June 2008
HapPy DraGon BoAt FeStiVal aka duan wu jie kuai le aka dumpling festival @ 11:51 pm

First of all, let me scream first.. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. how nice if i can scream out loud like that in real life..zzz...i don't know why but just felt like screaming my lung out, it helps to relieve pressure from the lung!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....LOL..i better stop doing that ..HAHA can u hear my echo in ur ears?? i bet u can.. wahaha..but it actually feel really good..hehe..should try out in ur blog ppl :)

2. What's " zhong zi" call in english?? i was brain-storming on fri night thinking of what's the word used to describe that...then viv s came out with this- rice packet? sticky rice? dumpling??? wahlao~ do angmor just name everything that they don't know dumpling??? here's the lists:
(a) shui jiao = dumpling
(b) xiao long bao= dumpling
(c) anything that u can find in yum cha place also called = dumpling
(d) zhong zi = dumpling
(e) tang yuan, hmm..what do u think they call it? i am sure u will call out DUMPLING in ur heart too ..and yes..that's right, it's called dumpling too =.=
hmm..funny right..lol

3. I spent the last day of term with viv, heshani and marya. we had indian food(goat curry +prawn curry+ chicken fried rice+ naan) while watching national treasure 1 and 2, was great fun =) we also bought the yummy strawberry champagne cake as dessert too ...yummm...*drooling..

4. I really DON"T LIKE being a passive smoker @.@ damn u smokers, why can't u guys just stop smoking????? u are not only killing urself but others too, even ur love ones u know!! and also other ppl around u..geee...i hate that smell so much that, everytime when i walk pass the oh so-many-smokers in australia, i have to practically stop breathing for 30 secs -.- and what's worst is when those smokers stand outside my apartment and enjoying their evil cigarette, the damn smoke never fail to find itself up to my fresh-air room and contaminate it with its disgusting odours and sickening smell..ehhh ...blehhhh...>.<>

Like my new skin ya?? all credits given to Sohpoh !!! hehee...she's greattttttttttttttt+ a com genius and thanks for the awesome work .. :)

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